Easy Listening and Inspirational Christian music - Listen to tracks on the music player or watch videos below or on video page

I did this song to help me remember who I am in Christ

The past couple of months I've heard this phrase in some form or another : If you were the only one on earth, God would have still sent Jesus to die for you, that's how much he loves you. So I've put it in a song to remind myself of this truth. I pray it blesses you as well XX

It's all about God's love for me because  of what  Jesus did on the Cross. A love that never lets me down .That's so exciting for me and I hope it is for you too. Be blessed. Annie”

Love flows from the Father to me and to you, all day, every day, till the end of time. Be blessed

Did you wake up today with a 'bad hair day'? Do you look around, compare yourself  and feel everyone is so much better than you are? Don't be fooled. In God's eyes you are valued and always beautiful. Take care and have a blessed day knowing this.